A message from Mr. McClenahan

Screen shot of Mr.McClenahan

Watch the message from Principal Mr. McClenahan

Hello HTLA Community,

It has been a few days since I wrote to you.  There have been some updates and some major changes in our situation in that time.

But first, I hope you are all healthy, safe and adjusting to the, unfortunate, new normal.  This is incredibly difficult and stressful for all of us.  We really are doing the best we can.  We know our students are too.  It is our goal to have 100% of our students engaged in their learning.  Please contact us if you are having any difficulties at all.  Also, if a student is having difficulty please make sure they reach out to their teacher, Mr. DeSilva (tech: 818-609-2858) or Ms. Bender for help.

We are here to help.  We have to make the best of it.

I know that for some of you students, having high school curriculum to complete is difficult.  Unfortunately, this is the situation we find ourselves in.  None of us are comfortable with this.  None of us are happy about it. It is a horrible place we find ourselves in.  We have to make the make the best of it.

A few minutes ago, Governor Gavin Newsome announced that school sites will be closed for the rest of this semester.  School sites will be closed, but learning will continue.  Distance learning is our new normal.  We have been anticipating this, but now it is happening.  This is not ideal.  We have to make the best of it.

For seniors, we are awaiting additional detailed information about what adjustments will be made to graduation requirements and college A-G requirements.  We will lay this out for you when we have the information. 

Many juniors have asked about SAT and ACT exams.  It was announced today that California UCs and CSUs will run enrollment next year without these tests as a requirement.  We have no information from schools in other states nor from all private colleges and universities.  So, our current recommendation is to continue to sign up for these exams.  As with everything else, we will continue to update you as we get more information.

Please note that Birmingham HS and Mulholland MS are serving food to students.  You do not have to be a student there.  They will serve our students as well.  A map with other locations is located here:   https://achieve.lausd.net/resources.

On an even more somber note, I have been informed of one member of our community who has tested positive for COVID-19.  On a good note, this diagnosis was made more than 14 days after we closed the school on March 13.

Please keep you and your family safe.  Social distancing matters.  Wash your hands.  Don’t touch your face.  It is up to help “bend the curve.”

I want to answer your more specific questions so I am going to host a town hall meeting for students on Friday, April 3 at 2 PM and a town hall for parents on Friday, April 3 at 6 PM.  I will send a link to these meetings in a future message.  I hope you can all join me for an open and frank discussion.

All my best to you and yours in this difficult time.  What we have done so far is nothing short of amazing.  I know we can make the best of this awful situation and get all our students as ready as they can be for whatever comes next.

-Mr. M

Principal, HTLA



Public Health Update

  • LA County Dept. of Public Health has issued COVID-19 guidance for early childhood education providers - click here
  • LA County Dept. of Mental Health offers a 24/7 access line for those feeling stressed, depressed or anxious (Access Line: 800-854-7771; Text: "LA" to 741741 (see infographic). View the department's webpage with COVID-19 mental health resources here.
  • LA County Dept. of Health Services is accepting donations of masks, non-latex gloves, etc. Before donating supplies, please consider if your schools will need the supplies when they reopen. - click here


  • Toll-free number for childcare 888-92CHILD (922-4453) goes live March 30

Resources for families:


From the LA County Health Officer

May 27, 2020

There are key differences between self-quarantine and self-isolation. Here’s what the new orders mean for you:

Self-Quarantine Order


Self-Isolation Order


  • Required for anyone exposed to a person diagnosed with or likely to have COVID-19.
  • You must stay in quarantine for 14 days from the last time you had contact with the ill person.
  • You cannot leave your place of quarantine for all 14 days.
  • Only exception to leave quarantine is to receive medical care.
  • If you develop even mild COVID-19 symptoms, you must self-isolate at home and away from others.
  • Required for anyone diagnosed with or showing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 within 14 days of being in close contact with a person who had or was believed to have COVID-19.
  • Self-isolation period must last at least 3 days without symptoms, including being fever free without taking medicine, and 7 days since symptoms started, whichever is longer.
  • Notify anyone you’ve had close contact with while symptomatic to self-quarantine themselves.
  • Only exception to leave self-isolation is to receive medical care.


Self-quarantine steps: English           



Self-isolate steps:        English
