A Message from Mr. McClenahan



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Hello HTLA Community,

Well, we made it through the first full week of our distance education offerings.  As always, nothing is perfect, but the reports have been overwhelmingly positive.  Of course we will continue to improve our system so we can help every student make the most progress they can.  Please reach out to us if there is something you would like us to know.  Understand that it is impossible to make the system work exactly the way every individual would prefer.  However, we will listen to your suggestions!  Also, if a student is having difficulty please make sure they reach out to their teacher, Mr. DeSilva (tech: 818-609-2858) or Ms. Bender for help.

I am encouraged by what we have seen so far.  I find the flexibility our teachers and students have shown truly amazing.  Their resilience and commitment to improvement in the face of incredibly tumultuous events is exemplary and worthy of our praise.

I would also like to take a moment to applaud the efforts of our parents.  This is not easy.  But your support for our students is necessary for their success.  I have gotten several reports of how well you have all transitioned to our new normal.  Thank you for your work to date and to your continued encouragement of our students to engage.  Take a moment and give yourselves a pat on the back.

I know how twisted everything is right now.  But, it is important, maybe more important than ever, to notice that many of the patterns and timelines of lives continue.  Notably for HTLA, I would like to mention a couple of items around college acceptances.  To date, over 75% of our seniors have been accepted to CSUN!  Overall, our seniors have been accepted to 63 different colleges and offered $3.4 million in scholarships (three of our students have been offered full tuition scholarships!!)  We couldn’t be prouder of all our students.

Please note that Birmingham HS and Mulholland MS are serving food to students.  You do not have to be a student there.  They will serve our students as well.  A map with other locations is located here:   https://achieve.lausd.net/resources.

I have heard reports of no positive COVID-19 test results from anyone in our community.  I have heard a few reports of members of our community who have been asked to self-isolate (see below).  Please let me know if you have any different information.

Below are an announcement from Superintendent Tony Thurmond about state testing and some information from the LA County Health Officer.

I wish you all a happy and safe weekend.  Please stay in communication with us.  Together we can make the best of a bad situation.

-Mr. McClenahan

Principal, HTLA


From the State Superintendent of Public Instruction

March 27, 2020

SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced today that California received preliminary federal approval to waive assessment and accountability requirements for the 2019–2020 school year. The California Department of Education (CDE) and California State Board of Education (SBE) formally requested approval for these waivers from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) in a letter sent on March 26. A formal approval from the ED is expected in the coming weeks.

Any comments or questions should be sent to [email protected] or by mail to the California Department of Education, Government Affairs Division, 1430 N Street, Suite 5602, Sacramento, CA 95814-5901.


From the LA County Health Officer

May 27, 2020

There are key differences between self-quarantine and self-isolation. Here’s what the new orders mean for you:

Self-Quarantine Order


Self-Isolation Order


  • Required for anyone exposed to a person diagnosed with or likely to have COVID-19.
  • You must stay in quarantine for 14 days from the last time you had contact with the ill person.
  • You cannot leave your place of quarantine for all 14 days.
  • Only exception to leave quarantine is to receive medical care.
  • If you develop even mild COVID-19 symptoms, you must self-isolate at home and away from others.
  • Required for anyone diagnosed with or showing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 within 14 days of being in close contact with a person who had or was believed to have COVID-19.
  • Self-isolation period must last at least 3 days without symptoms, including being fever free without taking medicine, and 7 days since symptoms started, whichever is longer.
  • Notify anyone you’ve had close contact with while symptomatic to self-quarantine themselves.
  • Only exception to leave self-isolation is to receive medical care.


Self-quarantine steps: English           


Self-isolate steps:        English
